Let Your Imagination Soar to the Heavens

A lady Magpie

The Lady MagpieOnce upon a time, in old times there was a Lady Magpie. It made a nest in the tree and hatched three baby Magpies. Once there came a coyote and said:
– Lady Magpie, drop me one of your chickens, or else I shall have the tree fall down.
Lady Magpie was so feared that weeping it threw down one of her baby chickens.
The other day the coyote came again:
– Lady Magpie, drop me one of your chickens, threatened the coyote.
The poor Magpie dropped another chicken down. While she was crying and weeping there came a fox.
– Why are you crying?, asked the fox Lady Magpie:
– The coyote said to drop my baby chicken or else it would have the tree fall down. So, I dropped my baby, answered she.
– It can do nothing, said the fox, and taught it to be more clever.
The other day the coyote came again:
– Lady Magpie, drop me one of your chickens, or else I shall have the tree fall down, said he.
– I will not drop it, you can’t have the tree fall down!, said Lady Magpie.
– Who taught it to you, asked the coyote
Lady Magpie said from being humble:
The Lady Magpie_fox_tree– My boss Mr. Fox taught me, boasted Lady Magpie
When the coyote and the fox came to the river to drink water they met each other. Waiting carefully the coyote bit the fox’s tail:
“Why don’t you mind your own business”, said he. Being angry the fox wanted to revenge Lady Magpie. When the fox was going to Lady Magpie it saw that another Magpie was stuck in the dirt by the road. Having pulled the Magpie out from the dirt: “What did you say to the Coyote””, said the fox and threw the Magpie to the other side of the river. Saved from the dirt the Magpie flew away calling the fox “Eh, poor Fool”.
Thus, our Lady Magpie was saved from the Coyote and lived happily for the rest of her life.

The End

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